Mayday Mummy COVID-19 Safety Plan

During this time, caring for children and keeping them safe and well is more important than ever.

The Mayday Mummy COVID-19 Safety Plan doesn’t just comply with minimum standards but aims to provide best practices in prevention and minimising risks.

What To Expect – how we keep your family safe.

  • We are all fully vaccinated against COVID-19
  • We will practise exceptional hygiene at all times, as outlined by The Department Of Health. This includes;
    • Hand Hygiene - washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using an alcohol based hand sanitiser. Frequency includes, but not limited to; immediately before entering the client’s home, before and after preparing food, before and after eating, before and after nappy changes/toileting, regularly throughout the day whilst inside and outside of the home.
    • Disinfect high contact surfaces (e.g. taps, kitchen benchtop, door handles etc) at the beginning of every booking. We will again use disposable alcohol wipes on high contact surfaces at the end of the booking – leaving them disinfected to keep your family safe.
    • Cough or sneeze into our elbow or by covering our mouth and nose with a tissue.
    • Avoid touching our eyes, nose and mouth, where possible
  • We recognise it is not practicable to comply with the social distancing requirements whilst caring for young children. However, we will take all reasonable steps to practice social distancing when outside of the home (e.g. at shops, park etc)
  • We will not enter your home if we are unwell and have any cold or flu-like symptoms. In this situation, where a Mayday Mummy is unwell before her booking, we will;
    • Make arrangements for a replacement Mayday Mummy to attend your booking (in consultation with the client)
    • In the unlikely event that we do not have an available Mayday Mummy, we will advise you immediately.
    • We will not compromise the health and safety of your family. This will always be our priority.
    • We will follow the NSW Health guidelines for medical assessment/testing/isolating etc
  • We will shower and change clothes between caring for different families – this is an infection control method already in place at Mayday Mummy pre Covid-19
  • We will regularly monitor advice from reliable leading authorities (e.g. NSW Health, Safe Work Australia) and we will regularly review our control measures to ensure they remain effective.

The Health and Safety of Mayday Mummies

To keep our Mayday Mummies healthy and safe, we have consulted with each of them and they have been an integral part of the development of this COVID-19 Safety Plan. We have assessed the way they work (caring for families) to identify and understand potential risks and to implement and review control measures to address those risks.

We are taking all necessary precautions to ensure we are healthy and can safely care for your family.

  • Our team understand the importance of monitoring their own health which will help ensure that the families we care for are protected and safe. Each Mayday Mummy has consulted their doctor before returning to work, following the Stay At Home Orders imposed on 26th June 2021 and extended lockdown due to the Delta outbreak.
  • We are all fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (as at Sept 2021).
  • We will pursue preventative measures where appropriate (e.g. Flu Shot, Whooping Cough Booster, Shingles Vaccine)
  • We will not attend work if we are unwell.
  • We require you to be upfront and honest about anyone in your household that is unwell. You must inform us prior to the booking.
  • You must answer our questions about vaccination status of household members. If anyone in your household is unvaccinated, we ask you to undertake a COVID test before we accept your booking request.
  • As directed by NSW Health, if you or anyone in your household has cold or flu-like symptoms, you must obtain a Covid-19 Test. Booking requests will be accepted upon receipt of negative test results.
  • You must inform us if you or anyone in your household has any symptoms of COVID-19 as per NSW Health Guidelines. A negative COVID-19 test must be provided before making a booking.
  • You must inform us immediately if you or anyone in your household has been in close contact with a known or suspected person with COVID-19. Phone Mayday Mummy 0423 094 669.
  • We will assess COVID risk factors for each booking request. This is to protect your family and the Mayday Mummy Team.

Our Preparation In The Event of a COVID-19 Case at Mayday Mummy

  • We are prepared for the possibility that there may be a case of COVID-19 in the course of caring for families and we are ready to respond immediately, appropriately, effectively and efficiently, and consistent with advice from health authorities.
  • We maintain and store electronic records of all Bookings. We will assist public health authorities by providing these records to support contact tracing if there is a positive case identified.

This Covid-19 Safety Plan has been developed in-line with the recommendations by; NSW Health, The National COVID-19 Coordination Commission (NCCC), Safe Work Australia and other Government Authorities.

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Last updated 30th September 2021